
Vermont Staycation Hike


This week, L’Husband and I are on vacation. Though we are not leaving Vermont and barely leaving the house, our staycation has been très quiet and relaxing. We’re baking, taking Le Chien for extra walks, and waiting for Borgen to finally come on Netflix.

On Vacation While Staying Home

“There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.” – Jane Austen

Hiking trails with the Green Mountains on the horizon

Naturellement, I’m disappointed we had to postpone a trip to Illinois to visit family until next spring (hopefully?). But I’m still torqued up enough about staying home during the pandemic that I will keep waiting. It’s not always easy and I get frustrated and impatient and exhausted.

This pervasive fugue state of the summer (is COVID brain a thing?) meant I desperately needed a week off from work, worrying, and worrying about work. While I am not overly fond of worrying, I am very good at it. My anxiety has been turned up to eleven; I may have even asked L’Husband, “Should I be worried about worrying?” (le sigh).

View of the Barn at Shelburne Farm and the Green Mountains

It’s been hard for me to leave the house, even over the summer as the sun shined, Lake Champlain beckoned, and the governor lifted Vermont’s stay-home order. But when I (finally) realized what the nouveau normal really means – we’re at the threshold of hell and there’s no turning back – I finally started masking up and getting out more.

Now I go to le marche. I take Le Chien to puppy play school. I use the drive-thru at the bank. I have a standing Friday afternoon ice cream date with a handsome man. Taking pleasure in simple tasks feel like an accomplishment, and also familiar and comforting. Strange times indeed.

Totems carved by a local Vermont artist

The natural beauty and readily available outdoor activities in Vermont make finding a change of pace and scenery very easy. We are lucky we can spend time together, be outside, and still do something new.

Taking a long hike in a new place was the perfect way to spend an afternoon. We went to Shelburne Farms and hit the trails winding through fields, woods, and sheep meadows.

A view of the Barn and sheep meadow at Shelburne Farms

I lost all sense of time and place. All I heard was the caw of a wayward seagull, the crunch of gravel underfoot. All I saw was the munching cows, the vibrant wildflowers, the awesome Green Mountains. For an afternoon, I forgot to worry.

How are you resting and recharging during the pandemic?

Merci for reading and please share and subscribe!

À votre santé,


2 thoughts on “Vermont Staycation Hike”

  1. You live in an amazing place Katie, I love the pictures you shared. I love hiking, although my feet not so much, but I have started to make trips again, slowly building up towards more mileage (kilometerage …) and enjoying it very much. Not as beautiful as your area but still I feel lucky that all I have to do to see fewer houses and more country is to walk out our street

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